On average, there are two people murdered at work each workday in the United States. Around 2.7 million assaults and threats are reported at work each year. The causes of these incidents are as complex as the people who do them: substance abuse, personality and performance-based disagreements and mental illness are some of the more serious issues.
Imminent Threat Management is a situation where there is an imminent threat of physical violence, stalking, extortion or bodily harm to yourself or others. For bodily harm, an imminent threat usually involves a weapon or item which can be used as a weapon for which to do bodily harm. So, what do you do in an imminent threat situation? The obvious answer is “safeguard the lives of people at all costs”. Always contact law enforcement immediately if you face an imminent threat and take the necessary steps to safeguard life.
Critical Point Communications can train your staff in imminent threat assessment and workplace violence prevention. Our experience is in the private sector, we customize training to each organization based on tested, real-life situations that are relevant to your situation.